Dream Analysis: The Winding Road Out of Addiction

a letter from my addiction

I forgave you, invited you back in like an old friend. You took the air from my lungs and turned my skin blue, but I caught my breath and carried on with you by my side. You flattered me, told me good things about myself. You said I was smarter than other people, even more attractive.

Offer Support & Love

a letter from my addiction

It’s amusing to watch you ignore yourself; not eating, not sleeping, not even attending your personal hygiene. My therapist Halfway house is teaching me how to talk back to you. She says that there are steps we go through between thinking about using and actually doing so.

a letter from my addiction

Express Your Determination to Get Support

Letting your emotions all out on paper can be cathartic and help you remove their power over you. This letter may be a big step in your personal healing process. End your letter on a positive note, reaffirming your commitment to your recovery journey and expressing hope for the future. This positive ending can serve as a reminder of your strength and resilience, motivating you to continue on your path to recovery. By ending on a positive note, you are reinforcing your belief in yourself and your ability to overcome challenges.

Get Proven Programs to Support Recovery

Sharing your commitment letter with your support system, such as your sponsor, therapist, or support group, can open up communication channels. It allows them to better understand your goals and offer more targeted support. It also gives your support system a tangible way to track your progress and celebrate your successes with you. It serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the ups and downs of recovery, and as a reminder of your strength and resilience.

a letter from my addiction

When to Write a Goodbye Letter to Addiction

  • To support my healing journey, I will prioritize my emotional wellness by attending therapy sessions regularly.
  • I ran for fear of my life and when I got away from you, I was all alone.
  • I am deciding that I have had enough of you.
  • To learn more or to schedule a free assessment, please visit our Contact Us page or call our center today.
  • Euphoria pouring all over my body as I lay there nodding off, I pushed you off me and said goodbye for the evening.

I’m taking enormous strides in my life. Sure, there were times when I missed you when I felt weak or bored without you, but I a letter from my addiction was happy. This is my goodbye addiction letter, a declaration of my newfound strength and independence.

a letter from my addiction

Learn to live a Sober, Vibrant & Substance-Free Life

  • I thought I would control you, but you eventually caused heartache and other problems.
  • Ellie proposed, “If I was assigning parts of myself to different roles, the part of me like a seagull probably represents my addiction.”
  • But with your commitment and the support of others, you can overcome obstacles and achieve your goals.
  • And I don’t want to have it happen again.
  • This is my dear addiction letter, a testament to the isolation and pain you caused.

In that sense, you quickly became my worst nightmare. Because of you, I ended up doing things that I never in a million years thought I would be capable of doing. You turned me into what I hated more than anything else. You robbed me of my independence and freedom.

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